
Life at STC

School Bus Information

School Bus Information

The Sha Tin College student bus service is provided by the Kong Shing Bus Company, who handles all of the administration, management, sign-up and payment for all school bus users via their website.


Sign up for 2024 - 2025 Term 2 - January to March 2025

*Please sign up by clicking on "Registration" on the Kong Shing Bus Company's website.


Sha Tin College School Bus and Shuttle Bus Route List


Sha Tin College in liaison with ESF Centre oversee the day-to-day running of the school bus service and undertake regular safety and quality checks.


Emergency Procedures

Whilst the bus service generally operates very smoothly, inevitably there are instances, often due to weather and other adverse circumstances, which lead to delays.


Bus Break Down

Students remain on the bus under the supervision of the bus supervisor and wait for a replacement bus.


If The Bus Doesn’t Arrive

Wait until 10 minutes after scheduled pick-up time, then contact the Bus Company.



The Bus Driver or Bus Supervisor will organise the following:


  • Help everyone to stay calm and remain at the scene in a safe location.
  • Contact the police.

- Give exact location of the bus – street/road/area and remain at the scene until the police arrive. The police should ask if ambulance/fire service is required and organise it.

  • Contact the Kong Shing Bus Company.

- Give the exact location of the bus – street/road/area for a replacement bus to be sent.

- Kong Shing Bus Company will inform the College of the accident.


Contact Telephone Numbers

Police: 999
Bus Company: (852) 6016 5516 (admin – Ms Vivian Tam), (852) 6514 3668 (Mr Joey Ng), (852) 6514 6866 (Ms Lily Wan); Email:
Sha Tin College: (852) 2699 1811; Email:


Frequently Asked Questions - School Bus Service

Q: Will other private buses still be available after ESF take over the PTSA School Bus Service?

ESF strongly encourages parents to enroll their children for the school bus service with the nominated school bus service provider – Kong Shing Travel Limited. Parents also have the free choice of using other private service provider(s) based on their special needs; however, ESF or Sha Tin College does not have any control over the service rendered by private service provider(s).

Q: On the Kong Shing web page some locations (e.g. Lake Silver) have both a school bus and a shuttle bus service? Are they not the same thing?

The school bus will make different stops to pick up students en-route to campus, while the shuttle bus will make fewer or no mid-way stops, depending on the final enrollment status. Parents can choose to use either depending on their needs.

Q: What can I do if the new school bus service does not cover my home address?

Please go to the Kong Shing web page to enter your location details as you register and leave your comments and the location of the service required. Kong Shing are actively looking into the possibility of expanding their service to cover other required areas. Please leave your contact details so that Kong Shing can contact you and advise further. Parents also have the free choice of using other private service provider(s) based on their special needs; however, ESF or Sha Tin College does not have any control over the service rendered by private service provider(s).

Q: If my preferred stop or location is not currently available, what should I do?

Kong Shing are open to adding additional stops to their services, please contact Kong Shing directly with requests for additional stops and locations.

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